Psychologist Refugees and Migrants Ghent



Refugees and Migrants..


As a psychologist I have experience in working with refugees and people with a migration background.


It is possible to engage in psychotherapy in English, Dutch, French or with a professional interpreter. 


I work with adults. Sessions are individual.


Third-party payment scheme applies for people who are under the protection of Fedasil or for whom OCMW is willing to pay for psychotherapy. 



Psychologist Refugees and Migrants Ghent,

Wim Matthys


Contact information


You can contact me, preferably by telephone, with regard to any problem or complaint. 

In case of cancellation, please inform me 24 hours in advance, otherwise the missed session has to be charged.

Wim Matthys
Kiekenstraat 26, 9000 Gent
0474 66 58 93